Whats happening with Dennis Hartin and HUB International

2024 has already proven to be an exceptional year for growth, as Hartin Dynamics has fully merged into the HUB International ecosystem. Just four months into the year, we have surpassed our largest year yet. 

Much of our success stems from the new shared resources and the expertise we developed while growing the Dynamics brand since 2017. Creating better paths for our clients has proven to disrupt the current status quo of rising costs and reduced benefits. Our clients have enjoyed zero or low increases while we continuously work to improve plan designs. 

Our focus on three key areas differentiates us: 

  1. Active plan management – we don’t wait for renewals. We follow the data and make strategic decisions monthly. 
  1. Transparent partners – we understand the costs and drivers, enabling us to make educated decisions. 
  1. Cost mitigation – through networks, RX, and eligibility management, we actually lower your spending. With the right data, you can improve care and spend less. Everyone wins. 

As the 5th largest insurance brokerage in the world, HUB International has added tools for property and casualty, risk, and additional benefits, as well as one of the largest mergers and acquisitions programs globally. 

We are honored to have Dennis Hartin return as the moderator for the carrier panel discussion at the National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals meeting on May 9th. Registration is open here: https://nabiptb.org. 

We are also collaborating with Rahul N. Mehra M.D., who has officially declared April 25th as “Action Over Awareness Day.” He has selected key leaders in Tampa to help shift the conversation from reaction to prevention, especially relevant as May is Mental Health Awareness Month. His Emotional Vaccines® team emphasizes the importance of taking actionable steps to address issues. Follow him on social media for more details. 

Get ready for “Benefits 101” as Dennis Hartin partners with www.hrtamp.org to educate the HR community on healthcare opportunities. The webinar is open to everyone and you can register for the May 21st event at 8 AM here: https://www.hrtampa.org/events/EventDetails.aspx?id=1846554. 

For more details on how we can help your organization, contact [email protected] or call 727-359-2148. 


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