Tampa-based Healthcare Technology Company eRemede Hosts Launch Party at the Tampa Club

More great news for the Tampa innovation and technology scene; Tampa-based patient engagement platform eRemede hosted their official launch party this week at the Tampa Club. eRemede is headed by CEO, Founder, and Tampa native, Ben Sever who’s demonstrated track record of success within corporate business development and serial entrepreneurship makes this company’s future especially intriguing. His relentless problem-solving acumen coupled with a rigorous self-education regimen has resulted in both national recognition as well as a trusted network of SMEs committed to his mission. To keep up with Ben’s work in the community and his other businesses, follow him on Twitter. When asked what sets eRemede apart Ben told us “We provide a 3D experience of the necessary and expected offerings that every patient desires, as a patient care disruptor in a digital world & believe that pre, intra, and post-op periods should be complemented by digital comfort and accessible communication and information.”

eRemede packs a punch with its talent dense team of venture capitalists, renowned physicians, serial entrepreneurs, software sales leaders, Ivy League engineers, project management professionals and military veteran operations experts to provide a world class platform designed from the ground up to be practical and effective. The team boasts 10+ years of experience in all facets of patient care ranging from general health to elective plastic surgery.

eRemede is on a mission to empower two-way communication and education between clinics and patients to optimize the front office of healthcare. eRemede is a HIPAA-compliant patient engagement platform that allows customizable information to flow seamlessly between doctor and patient devices. According to Accenture’s 2018 Consumer Survey on Digital Health, 40% to 80% of the medical information provided by care providers is forgotten immediately, and the greater the amount of information shared the greater the percentage forgotten. 

eRemede is patient centric providing a mobile-first edge for the surgical journey and beyond that lowers costs, provides post-op peace of mind to patients, streamlines communication for providers and patients, utilizes analytics to optimize efficiency, and also offers medical practice branding directly on the platform. eRemede is also accessible on all major technology platforms (IOS/Android/PC).

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